Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

Vision Quest Report 2021 Part 1 ā€“ The Teachings of Humor

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2021

As many of you know, each year I do an overnight (or longer) lineage Vision Quest. This year I completed the quest on September 2nd after going through four days of purification rituals. As part of my responsibility to teach, lead, and be a “Helper” of creation I must enter deep communion with the Powers of Creation and the Great Mystery – asking for guidance, support, and healing for all.


During the four days of purification leading up to the quest there were many auspicious occurrences and deep insights. The smoke from massive fires burning along the west coast and Rocky Mountains of North America clouded the sky and dimmed the daylight at my quest location. On the third day of purification the mid-day skies turned dark orange and the evening crickets began to sing in the eerily still air. The world seemed to stand still for a few hours – conveying the message that the imbalances in nature are worsening and need our prayers and actions. In my mind I...

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Video Blog - The Potency of Fire Quests

Uncategorized Aug 26, 2021

1 hour video blog taken from the Potency of Fire Quests webinar. 

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The Bison Project - Male and Female Bison

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2021

One question we often get asked is how to tell the difference between the male and female bison. When first encountering a bison herd it might be difficult to tell the differences, but with a little bit of knowledge and observation, you will find it easy to tell them apart (most of the time). Below are some of more easily observed unique features of the male and female bison.



Size/Weight: Adult male American Bison can weight up to 2,000 pounds, which sets them at the largest animal in North America. An adult female bison is typically only half as heavy. Bison tended in ranches can exceed these weights with food supplements.



Sex Organs: Male bison have a tuft of hair on their belly which indicate the penile shaft.



Horn Shape/Size: In adult males have horns that are wide, stand straight up and are thicker than females. The female horn is slenderer (compared to the males) and have an inward curve.



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Lineage Vision Quest Part 7 - Integrating the Vision

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2021

Once the set duration of the quest has been accomplished, the quester is often retrieved by the person facilitating the quest. The quester is brought back to the village and ceremonially released from the quest. This typically involves a gentle purification ceremony and specific songs. During this final step in the Vision Quest, the quester shares about their experience during the quest with the facilitator of the ceremony. This is opportunity for the facilitator to support the lessons of the quest and the re-integration of the quester. 


After the completion of this final stage of the Vision Quest, the quester is welcomed back by the community.  Often this first occurs by the community feeding the quester.  During this stage the quester may or may not their story with those that are present. This is completely up to the quester to decide. 


Later, after rest and recuperation, the quester may have personal conversations and share the events that...

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Fire Light For Life - Sacred Fire Solstice Ceremony 2021

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2021

Teachings Video Blog:

Fire Light For Life - Sacred Fire Solstice Ceremony


Watch the latest video blog about the world-wide solstice sacred fire ceremonies (Fire Light For Life). On this video the vision of this ceremonial events is share, and guidance on how you can join.  

This is a 1-hour recording. 

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Teachings On Helper Conduct and 2021 Events

Uncategorized Jun 12, 2021
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Lineage Vision Quest Part 6 - Time Alone in the Wilderness Ā 

Uncategorized Jun 01, 2021

By spending an extended duration in nature, in communion with creation, the quester comes to a deeper state of connection with the dream of creation. While the quester is at their altar they should remain in constant state of communication and reflection.  


During the time alone, the quest should reflect on the intentions of the quest. Why are they there? What are their goals? How can they accomplish these goals and be more effective? There are many reasons to quest but whatever the reason, the quester should focus their thoughts and feelings towards asking the unseen aspects of creation for help.


The quester should remain in a deep reflective state as much as possible – without falling asleep. During the day(s) and night(s) the prayers may become a waking dream. The quester might find themselves going on inner vision journeys or have the sense of visitors that come to them in their mind’s eye.


The quester might also have visitation from...

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Bison Project Late Spring 2021 Update - Running Bison

Uncategorized May 26, 2021

The cold days and nights of winter that took all the excess energy to endure are long gone and replaced by the warm spring rains. The land is renewing from the long winter slumber and providing our bison with the new growth of green plants. As green grass with higher nutritional content is now accessible to the bison, they have more energy to expel. This has given the bison a burst of energy that they often put into running play.

Before tending bison, I never realized just how much they like to play. Many days they seem to relish in running around each other, bumping, and jostling one another. Sometimes they can be witnessed nuzzling and bumping head in a friendly way. They tend their bonds of relationship with brushing against each other and licking each other's sides. As the heat of the day builds, they can often be seen on a hillside lounging together, keeping a watchful eye on the land.

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Lineage Vision Quest Part 5 - The First Day of the Vision QuestĀ 

Uncategorized May 05, 2021

The first day consists of:

  • Beginning Fasting
  • Preparing Offerings
  • Smudging all Vision Quest items
  • Setting up the Vision Quest Altar
  • Preparation for the Evening “Steam-Off”
  • The Evening “Steam-Off”
  • Being led to the Vision Quest Altar from the “Steam-Off”


Beginning Fasting and Prayer

On the first day of the Vision Quest, the quester should rise before sunrise and greet the day with prayer. Then, the quester begins to fast at dawn.  

They should not take a shower, brush their teeth, or put any liquid into their mouth unless directed by the facilitator. They should also forgo sleep.  


Preparing Offerings

Now the quester spends the morning preparing their offerings.    


Steaming and Smudging

All items used for the Vision Quest can now be steamed and smudged. First, the quester should stack stones in a fire and heat the rocks. Once the rocks are heated, the offering items which make the altar must...

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Announcing Fire Light For Life Global Event 2021

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2021
In response to the unprecedented events of 2020, last summer we held a collective Sacred Fire initiative, Fire Light for Life,  which so many of you participated in. We called for people to join us in holding fire ceremonies to help support the movement of grief from the loss of human life that accompanied the unfolding of the pandemic. It was an incredible process with fires lit across the globe, unified in our prayer and commitment in support of Life. Thousands of people from more than 50 countries engaged with the initiative on social media and across digital channels.  Fires were held in countries spanning every time zone, rippling around the world. People engaged in whatever way resonated for them, be it the lighting of a candle, sitting with a fire outdoors or the holding of a full 96 hour ceremonial Sacred Fire. 
The global context and future outlook are as challenging as they were at this time last year.  Given the impact...
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