Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

Ancestral Healing Fire - Video Blog

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2020

How is the current challenging state of the world related to the unhealed trauma of the ancestors? How is this unhealed trauma affecting the thinking and decisions of people alive now? What can we do about this?

In this 42 minute video Sal Gencarelle presents about healing the ancestral connection to help heal the current challenges. The unhealed grief for the ancestors are causing the modern expressions of trauma. 

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Community Grief Transformation Video Blog

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2020

In this 1:20 teaching video Sal Gencarelle presents about the need for community grief transformation. Healing grief in the absence of community is difficult at best. So much of the grief and pain that people current experience in modern society is because of isolation. People need community and the community needs people dedicated to healing. Watch the video and learn more about this incredibly important and often misunderstood aspect of healing.

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Cleansing Away The Dust of Death

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2020

The Cleansing or Wipe Down Ceremony goes back to the days of tribal warfare when the warriors of different groups would meet in the battle fields and sometime these conflicts would lead to death. It’s important to understand that warfare in those days was not like war now. At that time war was about gaining honors and the best way to do that was to touch or strike your enemy and get away with out being touched yourself. This could be done with a hand or even a stick, some time called a Coup Stick. The act of agility, stealth, and bravery was called Counting Coup. Warfare was more of an intense physical exercises or sport – but at times people would end up dead.


Now, killing an enemy was not the goal, but it was also not a looked down upon as life and death was better understood when living so close to nature. But what was recognized is that the act of killing someone, even accidentally, has spiritual, emotional, and mental ramifications. It was known that...

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Highlights of the Global Sacred Fire Event

Uncategorized Aug 10, 2020

On June 30th - July 4th, 2020 people around the world lit a fire with the intention of healing and envisioning a bright future. The Helper's Global Sacred Fire Initiate and the Fire Light For Life event, spearheaded by Penny Jerram to help transform the fear, the deaths from Covid-19, and the stuck energy that has enveloped the world these past months.

Over the 4 days, many fires were lit with these intentions. Some people held a personal fire in their yard or garden, others join by lighting a candle or their home hearth. Many of the Helpers who have been trained by Helpers Mentoring Society held Sacred Fire Ceremonies. Some people even went on personal Fire Quests during this time.

After this global event, Helpers Mentoring Society was able to gather stories and sharing of the experiences from the various fires. Presented below are some of the highlights of those shares which are consistent across many experiences. These highlights are important sign-posts for all of us to consider...

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Helpers Global Sacred Fire

Uncategorized Jun 19, 2020

Join us on June 27th for a 4-hour webinar about how to work with the transformational power of fire, ceremony and the elements. Click on the link below to join us live and/or get the recording after the webinar:

Fire, Ceremony and the Elements

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Choosing Life and Healing: Ancestral Wisdom - Webinar recording

Uncategorized May 20, 2020

Have you struggled with embracing life fully, connecting to the natural world, or loving your fellow human beings? 

These are common experiences in this modern age. Feelings of separation, anger, isolation, rejection, neglect, lack of belonging and fear are modern expression of wounds and unhealed traumas of our ancestors and our own experiences. Through the wisdoms of the healing lineages we have come to understand that modern people need to simultaneously heal both individually and the ancestors to create lasting positive change.  

Finding the means to heal in a way the affects real change for myself, my family, humanity and the natural world has been a passion of mine since a young man. I've explored lineages of healing and worked with incredible indigenous medicine for the majority of my life. Through this experience I've found healing, profound connection to the ancestors and an understanding of life that helps me to commit to life. 

Here's exactly what is spoken...

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The Power of Mentoring

Uncategorized Apr 10, 2020

Historically, people have been part of tribes, villages, and communities of deep relationship. People were surrounded with a network of people who could provide guidance, mentoring, support; who would ask deep and challenging questions. This level of support is missing in most people’s lives now, and it’s hard to replicate on the historical scale. What is available now is professional mentoring.

Helpers Mentoring Society offers several pathways to both personal (one-on-one) and small group mentoring. Our organization's mentors focus on several different topics including the following:

  1. Personal Growth Mentoring - The missing ingredient in people's personal growth is mentoring. Personal mentoring accelerates growth and focuses on individual well-being. The goals of this mentoring are directed by the mentee.
  2. Advanced Connection Practices (Lineage) Mentoring- Helpers Mentoring Society has ties to several powerful earth-based wisdom traditions which have combined to create a...
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Inter-species and Spiritual Communication 1 Hour Webinar

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2020

For more on this fascinating subject join Sal and Jacqueline on April 25th for an extended webinar:Interspecies and Spiritual Communication - Extended Teaching Webinar

Both Sal and Jacqueline are coming together again to bring their teachings of how to communicate across species and to the spiritual realms that can help guide us with the times we now find ourselves in as human beings.

This time it will be on a much deeper level and we will include practices of how you can develop this for yourself.

Within this 4 hour webinar we will offer both deep teachings and practices on:

  • Accessing states of communication outside the human family
  • Seeing through the eyes of other beings
  • Explore the ways in which animal communication can support all animals during times of natural disaster
  • Working with human communication on the same level
  • Spiritual communication and the forms it takes
  • How animal perspectives can support human understanding of life
  • Practices to develop clear communication...
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A Message from Salvatore Gencarelle during the CoronaVirus Pandemic

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2020

These challenging times have not been unforeseen. The Wisdom Lineages have warned us that living in a disconnected way will have dire repercussion to humanity. Family and collective health, the balance of the natural environment and the well-being of community has taken second place to the pressures of modern life. 

As much as this virus may cause fear and stress, it is also a great opportunity to re-evaluate our lives and decide what priorities we want to give our energy towards. Take care of youself and your community's health first and foremost - and then take time to truly evaluate the life you want to live after this pandemic ends. 

Here at HMS we provide support to help individuals and communities to navigate challenging times, to heal and to find true well-being. For more information please visit: Helpers Mentoring Society Home

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Addressing the Modern Problems with Traditional Wisdom Webinar

Uncategorized Jan 29, 2020

Addressing the Modern Challenges with Traditional Wisdom


I am sure you are aware the balance of the environment that supports life is swiftly changing. You are a witness to the fires raging across Australia and the hail and dust storms that then follow. Or perhaps you are noticing birds singing their spring songs in mid-winter, or the blossoms of trees out of season.


Nature is revealing to us there are major changes in the biosphere. With these changes come untold challenges - including overwhelming stress! Human are just now collectively starting to experience and acknowledge the real and devastating effects of climate change.


So the question is, 'as individuals, what do we do about this?'


In this video we discuss these topics and more:

  • Prioritizing well-being to gain clarity 
  • Earth-based traditional wisdom as a road map
  • Nature Synchronicity as a guide
  • Developing enhanced spiritual communication 
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