Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution
Each year Helpers Mentoring Society looks for opportunities to give to the Indigenous communities from which many of our teachings are sourced. This sharing of material abundance is part of the spiritual agreement between Helpers Mentoring Society’s founder Salvatore Gencarelle and the ancestors who have shared these teachings.
Besides the ongoing support to the decedents of Salvatore's teacher, we also annually sponsor a 'giveaway' event, in which material items and food is distributed to the Indigenous community. In the past month this has been through the sponsorship of the wake, funeral, and giveaway for the passing of a young native infant who died from SIDS in the town of Wanblee, South Dakota.
We also host the annual Language of the Land Camp in the Black Hills of South Dakota for Indigenous children and families to connect to the natural world, learn bushcraft and survival skills, nature sensory development, and to have a fun time in nature....
The winter season has been long and severe this year in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Temperatures have dipped well below freezing many days, including one night which went to -50 degrees Fahrenheit (-45 degrees Celsius).
As challenging as us humans tend to find those periods of deep cold, the bison seem to enjoy the cold weather. They do need plenty of good grass to eat to sustain their energy requirements – which means we can often find them close to the hay, munching away.
This year, due to the many contributions to the Bison People Land project, we secured plenty of hay to keep the bison well feed during the winter. Our small herd can go through about 1000 pounds of hay in about a week.
As much as the bison enjoy the cold weather, I’m sure they are looking forward to the fresh spring grasses and the warmer days that will be coming in later April and May.
To learn more about the...
At the heart of all that the Helpers Mentoring Society offers is a unique, powerful, and ancient body of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom on how to connect and heal. Many who hear the teachings observe that it speaks to something profound and universal within them. This wisdom has come from multiple generations of interaction with creation, seeking life. Human beings are not born knowing how to live; we must learn, which is part of the human experience. The modern understanding of life is deeply flawed as it has lost the previous generation's wisdom through conflict and colonization. The wisdom of living in health, happiness, and connection to life is sought through asking the unseen for guidance. What often returns as an answer is ceremony and song. Within these ceremonial processes are maps of how to live. These maps are simple yet hold a universal wisdom that fits within all creation. The ceremonies teach us how to live. If we approach with humility and listen deeply, we can...
In the modern age people have forgotten that the ultimate choice we have is what we align with and dedicate our lives to. Instead, people unconsciously allow themselves to become subject to the will of others. Many forces seek to place their orientation upon us, so it is essential to be clear on what alignment you are choosing. How you decide to engage with life shapes your reality. If you align to creation and the energy of creativity, you can access powerful resources. There is vast support available from creation once you’ve made the committed choice to ally with creativity.
Choice of Context – What are you living for? What are you dying for?
There is an ancient understanding that every person is a universe unto themselves – no 2 people are exactly alike in their perceptions of the internal or external.
Within your universe, choice is the God “like” power you’ve been given. Choice is your ultimate power – but choice can be...
A presentation Salvatore Gencarelle did in October 2022 in Portland Oregon about Ceremony and the 4 Challenges of Life that each person face. Part-3 focuses on Salvatore's the 4-Challenges and the various projects of Helpers Mentoring Society.
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A presentation Salvatore Gencarelle did in October 2022 in Portland Oregon about Ceremony and the 4 Challenges of Life that each person face. Part-2 focuses on Cultural Repair and the spiritual nutrition of connection.
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To have Personal Spiritual Connection in its fullest sense is something to celebrate in this day and age. Historically, being fully connected as a human being was considered commonplace. It was understood to be part of the purpose of life. The whole culture recognized the significance of having fully activated human beings in the community for all life to thrive. With this recognition, the development and activation of each individual's gifts were supported by the whole community. One of Helpers Mentoring Societies' goals is to bring back the development of Personal Spiritual Connection within culture.
A presentation Salvatore Gencarelle did in October 2022 in Portland Oregon about Ceremony and the 4 Challenges of Life that each person face. Part-1 focuses on Salvatore's background and how he came to learn these teachings.
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I’m writing this blog today having just returned from a two-week teaching and ceremony adventure to Switzerland and England. The events were transformative, and it was wonderful to re-connect with familiar people and meet numerous people new to HMS – including many from France who attended the Switzerland event.
Each year I do a Vision Quest as part of my responsibility to help and guide the HMS community. These Vision Quests are an opportunity to receive direct guidance from spirit to support the community by tapping into what is most important over the next year.
This year I did my overnight Lineage Prayer Quest at the end of September. It’s taken some time to write the message due to the many webinars, online courses, and work on the land in preparation for winter – which is now here with the deep cold and snow. The slow down which occurs during the winter months has given me the time and space to share the aspects of this year's quest.
The Bison People Land (formally the Bison Project) is taking the next steps in manifesting its Vision and Mission. We are now an official Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) which allows us to have employees, a bank account, and more. We are developing the organization to provide nature connection and education opportunities both in-person and online. We will eventually be offering education opportunities on everything from basic survival skills to ecological restoration by working with cornerstone animals like the bison. We even will have classes on food preservation, such as canning.
Our 3 bison are doing well and growing bigger. The two females are now 3 years old, and our bull is 2. They are maturing into their bigger stature. We are excited and hopeful for the possibility of the females being pregnant and new calves joining the herd next spring! The signs of pregnancy are there, but there is a still a long way to go until a calf is born.
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