Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution
Our bison herd is enjoying a milder winter this year. Local temperatures, while still freezing, are above average. There have been only a handful of days below the negative mark, as compared to the previous years.
2025 has already been a year of organizational development and expansion of the vision of Bison People Land. In January, application to become a 501c3 (not-for-profit) organization has been submitted to the Internal Revenue Service. This tax designation will allow us to receive tax deductible contributions from our donners, as well as open up new grant and funding possibilities.
We are in the process of expanding our current nature educational programs as well as developing new opportunities for people to connect to the land, the bison and their "authentic" selves. The plans include both web-based and in-person education. We are also making preparations to expand the herd and video document this endeavor during the summer of...
An introduction to Helpers Mentoring Society. The video is of Salvatore Gencarelle presenting about the roots, founding and development of Helpers Mentoring Society.
The Solstices and Equinoxes have been times of connection, ceremony, and intention-setting for thousands of years. The Wheel of Life Quarterly ceremonies have always aimed to provide a coordinated way to unite our collective intentions for healing and wellness. We align these intentions and ceremonial events to the cycles of nature, life, and each other to unlock greater avenues of support from the creational forces.
"We need gratitude to sustain Life, to be in good relationship with Life and to take the right actions. It is still as important as it was for our ancestors." - Sal Gencarelle
For this episode I invited my dear mentor, Sal Gencarelle. The tools and wisdom he is sharing through his work and being, gave me orientation and clarity on my path, and support me in living a life in service of Life. Sal has 30 years of mentoring and delivery of nature-based therapies and wellness practices. He has expert knowledge and experience in both ancient indigenous and modern therapies. Sal is the founder and current director of Helpers Mentoring Society, an international organization dedicated to supporting the revitalization of humanity’s relationship with hope and purpose, so that all life thrives. In our conversation we touch the topic of Cultural Repair and how it is linked with gratitude. Through talking it became clear that gratitude is a nourishment for Life and a fuel for healing and...
In late September this year I completed my annual overnight Vision Quest. This quest is held as part of my responsibility in managing Helpers Mentoring Society and all the communities we are part of. Each quest is completed with the intention for guidance for how to move the spiritual healing of humanity forward. The second aspect of the quest is to offer gratitude for all the blessing and support over the past year.
This year the power of the dream as a prayer was the main message to be shared. During the quest I had a long interaction with the Darkness. I capitalize the word Darkness to reflect that this is a proper noun (a name) not the absence of light, but the original form of light - and a conscious identity. In the creation stories of the lineage, Darkness is a feminine power, from which all dreams emanate. She is the ultimate “Keeper of the Dream” of creation.
During my interaction with Darkness, she communicated how manifestation begins...
After the many gratitude ceremonies across the earth over the September Equinox, there is much wisdom to be shared. This video presents the harvest of the learning from these Wheel of Life ceremonies that can help us all. Watch the video for a rich harvest to support life moving forward into the future. Hosted by Salvatore Gencarelle and Penny Jerram.
With the September Equinox looming, we want to continue supporting human alignment with nature's cycles through immersion in ceremony for life. For this Wheel of Life Quarterly Ceremony, we will look at giving thanks as a way of life to wrap up the year just gone before moving forward into the coming cycles. Gratitude is essential to being a human being in relationship with creation. We must begin and end the cycles with gratitude to capture and maintain all we have received during the year. If gratitude is not offered, the cycle remains incomplete. On this webinar recording we share the intention for the upcoming ceremony in September and how you can get involved in your own way to be a part of this global collective. Join people around the world dedicated to healing the disconnection sickness. Hosted by Salvatore Gencarelle.
We here are excited to announce that the new pasture for our bison heard is officially being used. Developing this pasture has been a multiple year project with installing a perimeter fence and cross fencing, which divides the pasture into a few paddocks. We've also had a water well dug for this pasture over the summer! The bison heard was moved to the new pasture mid-August and have been loving the open areas, the stands of Aspen trees, and the abundance of grasses to forage.
There are still a few tasks to be completed, including the purchasing and installation of a solar pump for the water well. Some of the paddock fencing needs to be reinforced and the standing dead trees cut down. We are looking forward to completing these tasks.
In the coming year we plan to expand the herd with the addition of a new breeding bull and perhaps an additional cow or two.
To note, all of our current bison are females. We've explored the...
The Language of the Land camp is an opportunity for Native American youth to reconnect to the land and remember their old kinship with nature. This year we held the event on the shores of a lake in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota - part of the historic homeland of the Lakota People. The participants had opportunities for various nature connection activities, including tracking, plant medicine, swimming, hiking, fire making, sensory awareness, sharing stories, and gratitude.
This is the second year for the children to get a special treat to spend time on a boat and have fun in the water and tubbing. This activity is more recreational and is one of the highlights of the children's summer.
There is no fee for the Native American participants and we at Helpers Mentoring Society are dedicated to providing nature/cultural immersion and educational opportunities for Native American peoples. We are grateful to the many people around the world...
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