Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution
Spirituality is the innate aspect of being human. We have a natural capacity to be spiritual. The search for meaning and purpose in life is a central pillar of spirituality.
In more modern times, it has been reframed as a ‘feeling’ of connectedness or mystery to be named without the dogma of any religion or tradition. Within the field of ‘deep nature connection, the direct embodied experiences in nature provide access to the connection.
In this recording we explore the restorative qualities and wisdom inherent in nature, sharing ways and understandings that enable us to ‘Thrive in Uncertain Times’. Many of us have become so shielded and isolated from what nourishes our inner being that we are starving for connection.
Most people living in the modern lifestyle, particularly those who are descended from the European peoples have an unease in their relationship to their ancestors. Many people in the past 5000 – 500 years have gone through a colonization and cultural destruction experience which has all but wiped away the memories of genuine ancestral connection. It’s now understood that within just a few short generations after the initial agricultural revolution people began to forget and distrust their hunter-gather past and those that still follow the ancient rhythms of nature and migration. Jump forward 5000, and you find people that have no recollection of who their grandparents were, much less the history of their culture, their earth-based traditions, and the ancient language of their people.
The severing of the lineage connection and the forced removal from land is one of the oldest colonization tactics. These two, the ancestors and the earth are linked together in cultures in...
The anguish that people are afflicted with has little to do with injury, physical disease, starvation, or other ills that historically caused great sorrow. Modern medicine and industry have all but eliminated those types of pain. The new illness that people suffer is from their inner world. It is more elusive, more subtle, and thereby more difficult to distinguish. If we cannot recognize the source of the pain, how can we stop or treat it?
When we are in pain, we need to clearly identify the cause so we can take the appropriate actions. Pain is just a sensation that is intended to draw our attention to the source. Where are you hurting in your life? Where is your pain located? Is it physical? Mental? Emotional? Spiritual? When we identify the source of the pain, we can make a distinction about the source. By naming it, we can begin to determine the cause.
The lack of congruence between the lack of connection in lives we currently live and our spiritual needs is the underlying source...
Making the choice to step up for a better future by transforming the grief and trarumas of the past. Learn more about how we can come together to heal and find health and happiness.
The path of the Visionary Leaders is one that is challenging for even the most courageous to walk. There are pitfalls and obstacles that will distract, hamper the journey, and even knock leaders off the path.
Visionary Leadership is not well understood by modern society. Modern society doesn't provide teachings to the average person on how to be a Visionary Leader. Modern leadership is often presented and taught as a hierarchy of power over people. This type of leadership is disconnective and produces poor results over time. Visionary Leadership is focused on systemic interconnectedness and helping that which supports life now and into the future.
A Visionary Leader doesn't typically actualize by accident. Visionary Leaders are created through teachings and initiations which open a person to a more creative way of being in the world. There is a systematic process for the development of Visionary Leaders. Many of the ancient cultures understood this system of development which...
How would you like to take the helm of experiences you have in life? Do you know that you have the power to guide what unfolds in your life? This ability is found within the power of questions.
I want to give you a precious gift of hard-earned wisdom. There is something to know about how to phrase an inquiry that is critically important. It’s important to understand that what you ask about, and how your phrase the question determines the answer you receive. I’ve talked to thousands of people who struggle with this concept because the words we commonly use don’t accurately convey the thoughts that are within us. We use vague generalities and then expect concise and exact responses.
As we go on the connection journey, we are called to higher forms of excellence in all areas of our life. Using words powerfully means that we need to have our hearts and minds fully connected and communicating. Then we can ask the questions in a way which will give us the answer we...
The Helper's Mentoring Society is dedicated to helping the modern, everyday person become more fully developed through the practice of traditional ceremonies and teachings. We offer online courses, literature, retreats, gatherings, and more to make this mission a reality. For more information about us, click here.
Its been a busy summer for us here at Helpers Mentoring Society. We’ve held live events and seminars around the world and we are still going! I’m actually writing this blog to you all from the airport on my way to the United Kingdom, and from there over to Europe.
As many of you know we hold an annual nature connection camp in South Dakota, USA. The event is called the Language of the Land. This camp is unique in all the work that we do for a number of reasons. The 1st is that the camp is meant to be a cultural exchange for the participants – for people of diverse backgrounds to meet and spend quality time with the Native American...
The Drum is the most versatile of the sacred gifts because of its proclivity to be used as a tool in groups, and is closely related to the Advanced Connection Practice of Song. We can use the drum on its own, but often we use the drum to guide the rhythm or “heartbeat” of a song, especially when in groups. Used in this way, the drum can sync up all the voices and the dancing so that all bodies are moving, breathing, and singing with the rhythm of creation. For us to first appreciate the value of this gift, we have to understand the practices of Song and Drumming, and how these practices are invaluable for developing a connection to creation.
For those of you familiar with the Advanced Connection Practices, you may already understand a bit about the Sacred Song. Song is the way we describe the voice of all things, not only the songs of people. The rustling of the leaves on the trees are part of the trees’ song, the howling of the wolves and yipping of coyotes are a...
The Helper's Mentoring Society is dedicated to helping the modern, everyday person become more fully developed through the practice of traditional ceremonies and teachings. We offer online courses, literature, retreats, gatherings, and more to make this mission a reality. For more information about us, click here, or get started on a Free Course on Gratitude by signing up here.
The Sacred Pipe is known as the Canupa in the Lakota language. The Canupa is an essential tool of connection. Of all the tools, it is the one which develops the deepest awareness. It creates an amplified connection with the intelligence that is commonly known as intuition. According to legend, the Canupa came to people a long ago in a time of great need. It was brought to the people to show how to live in right relation with the earth and all of creation.
The Lakota stories of how the Canupa came to the people hold important lessons and...
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