Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

The Four Gifts of Women - Part Two - Childbirth and Breastfeeding

Historic Webinar Recording

HMS is offering the second in its 3-part series of webinars dedicated to the 4 gifts of women, taught in this lineage as having been gifted to us by nature.

Part Two of this series will focus upon the aspects of Childbirth and Breastfeeding


The 4 gifts manifest through women’s bodies in very obvious and physical ways and this series of webinars will explore and reflect upon both the physical and spiritual aspects that are inherent within these gifts. These webinars are an invitation for us all to look more deeply into our lives to consider where we hold and manifest the different aspects of these gifts in the world we’re living in and how they may guide us towards being of even greater service to life itself.



This series of webinars are being offered by three women who have been walking a committed path to this way of life for many years. They will be joined by Sal Gencarelle, who will also bring some of his experiences to this conversation along with the lineage view of these topics.  The aim of these webinars is as part of a guide towards a more healthy, balanced culture where daily life is considered a ceremony and each step we take as sacred.


In the greater scheme of the four gifts, childbirth and breastfeeding are both significant aspects of mothering. What does it mean to create life? What does it mean to “mother”? How do we understand this in relation to the teachings of this lineage? 


Both women and men are welcome to join this webinar so we may deepen our collective understanding of how to create and tend life together in service to the future generations.

What we will cover in the webinar:

  • Exploring the creation of new life - For women and men
  • The process of birthing
  • Stories of childbirth
  • What else can we birth in our lives?
  • What is it to breastfeed?
  • What does breastfeeding represent and how does it manifest within our lives?
  • What is it to nurture and tend life?
  • What are the equivalent external ceremonies for these internal gifts of women?
  • How do we live with greater awareness in service to life?


Part 1 in the 4 Gifts of Women Series - Moontime as Ceremony, can be purchased as a historic webinar recording as it has already taken place. You can access and purchase the recording here 

Moontime as Ceremony Recording


    • After purchase you will be sent a email with a link to Dropbox where you can access the recording of the webinar


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