Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution
In late September this year I completed my annual overnight Vision Quest. This quest is held as part of my responsibility in managing Helpers Mentoring Society and all the communities we are part of. Each quest is completed with the intention for guidance for how to move the spiritual healing of humanity forward. The second aspect of the quest is to offer gratitude for all the blessing and support over the past year.
This year the power of the dream as a prayer was the main message to be shared. During the quest I had a long interaction with the Darkness. I capitalize the word Darkness to reflect that this is a proper noun (a name) not the absence of light, but the original form of light - and a conscious identity. In the creation stories of the lineage, Darkness is a feminine power, from which all dreams emanate. She is the ultimate “Keeper of the Dream” of creation.
During my interaction with Darkness, she communicated how manifestation begins when thought meets her substance and takes shape in her consciousness field. Out of her comes the first semblance of potential structure, a vague and shadowy form. The more energy and attention given to the manifesting structure the more developed it becomes. Eventually, with time, energy, and favor, this manifestation can become a part of the spiritual and even the physical realities.
Why is this important as a message to the Helpers Society? The question arises is, “What are you dreaming into reality”? And how can we more effectively work with the dream as a form of prayer?
Within the Darkness are all possible distinctions. Within the Darkness our lack of self-awareness and self-regulation is revealed. There is a reason why children and the un-initiated are afraid of the Dark. Within Darkness their own fears take shape and form. Their consciousness meets the potential of the dream – and out of Darkness nightmares come to help reveal inner truths.
We are part of this creative system of reality, and it befits us to learn how to be a healthy part of creation. We have the power to explore and create realities. We are given ultimate authority over our own personal reality (within the systems limitations). We have authority, responsibility and the rewards that go with the ability to be the creators of our personal reality.
What is your dream aligned to and informed by? (Profane or Sacred)
There are many Powers of Creation. Some create more connectedness, love, sacredness, and mystery in the world. Others create conflict, division, destruction, self-serving manipulation, confusion and imbalances life towards death.
What influences us effects our created reality. The influences we align to can either support or conflict with our desired manifestation. What is making our dream of reality either positive or destructive is something to be highly aware of.
What is the dream of your life focused on to making it a reality?
Recently I presented a webinar exploring the concept of dreaming as a way of praying, among other topics about prayer. You learn more about the webinar at this link: Working with Prayer - Formal Prayer Structures as a Guide
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