Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

What is Prayer Series - Part Two - Perceiving the Response

Historic Webinar Recording


In the second of our three-part series on What is Prayer, we will focus on perceiving the response.


It is understood that if you put a prayer out to the Great Mystery of creation, then it WILL be answered. This may take some time, but through experience, you will find this to be true. 


The Great Mystery runs through everything, so anything can be the vehicle for the answer to your prayer. The response can come in multiple ways, and it is unique to each individual. It often comes through your own life experience. The critical aspect is that we must be aware of what is moving. When the communication to our prayer comes, there is often a felt sense that goes with it. This can be helpful in discerning that a response is being made. 


"You Gotta Listen"


The spirit does not often speak in words. Instead, it sends messages through symbolism and metaphor. Therefore, the responses will need to be reflected upon and truly unpacked and understood in all aspects. This is essential to bring about the next stage of the prayer process, which is to live the answer to your prayer.


We must be able to develop the spiritual discipline to have a quiet mind to perceive the more profound communications from the spirit. This takes practice and time to master but is essential if we are to learn the pattern language of how creation communicates with us.


Join us for the second in this 3-part series, where we will continue exploring the process of prayer and how to be in the deepest forms of perception.


Here is what we will cover in the webinar:

  • Paying rapt attention.
  • Do not co-opt or dismiss.
  • Remember what you prayed for.
  • The Creator is the Creation - The response can come from anywhere.
  • The quiet mind - Opening to the void.
  • "You gotta listen".
  • What you prayed to can dictate how the response will come.
  • Pattern language of creation.
  • Trusting the response will come - Building faith through the doing. 
  • Unpacking what we receive. 
  • Asking for the answer in a way that your mind can understand.
  • Symbolism and metaphor - Spiritual communication. 
  • Making Meaning from what we perceive. 


    • After purchase you will be sent a email with a link to Dropbox where you can access the recording of the webinar


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