Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

The Journey to Becoming a Helper - The Story so Far

Historic Webinar Recording


The journey of becoming what we term a 'Helper' is rich and rewarding beyond what most people initially expect - but it is a journey. It must be walked with an openness to transformation at every step. It is awe-inspiring and heart-opening to the extreme but also comes with challenges - challenges that support the journey to unfold into richness.


Sal's experience with these teachings has been unique, and In many ways, different from the path his students all walk with them. In this sharing webinar, Feathers and other HMS students will share stories of their journey to becoming Helpers - and learning to support others on this path. 


We will share what we have found helpful to navigate all that comes up along the way. There will be stories of our adventures and experiences of learning and growth. We will offer guidance on how to go about the journey from our personal experiences. We know this will be helpful, even if it is just you learning from our mistakes!


Oh, how we laughed..... After the fact


This webinar is open to all! What will be shared will shed light on the healing journey and support reframing some modern beliefs around healing, ceremony,  and spirit into a more helpful context. We will share stories from our personal journeys so far and offer guidance and wisdoms we have learned along the way to encourage and support others. 

Here is what we will cover in the webinar:

  • What is a Helper? - Our perspective 
  • The road never ends
  • Personal Experience is Essential
  • Learning different world views.
  • Resistance is futile. 
  • Finding a sense of humour
  • Getting lost along the way
  • Stories with lessons
  • Wisdoms from our journey to support others. 
  • Reframing what the healing journey is - living the healing experience. 
  • Oh, how we laughed - After the fact


  • After purchase you will be sent a email with a link to Dropbox where you can access the recording of the webinar


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