Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

Helper's Gathering UK - Bedfordshire

Experience is where we turn knowledge into wisdom

May 27th- 29th 2022 


This in-person event is an opportunity to experience the deep healing effects of the traditional practices that Helpers Mentoring Society works with. Through these transformational processes we can help provide a way to move forward into the future in healthy connection with life.

This event will be facilitated by Feathers and others who have worked with these traditions and practices for a considerable time. Sal will join the gathering via a zoom conference call to deepen the teachings of the experience. 

What to expect at the Gathering

  • Purification Rituals
  • Deep Nature Connection
  • Ancestral Ceremony
  • Transform grief and loss 
  • Community and friends on a path of healing
  • In Person Group Mentoring 

We will start at 10 am on Friday the 27th and finish by 4pm on Sunday the 29th May. The gathering will be camping based and self catering with areas to store and prepare food. We will send out full joining instructions upon purchase of the gathering but please email us if you have questions

 Touching the heart of what we do. 

This is where you may begin to move from knowledge to deeper wisdom. By immersing yourself in the experience and being fully involved in the process you will begin to observe the interactions within all four parts of your being. Your heart, mind, body, and spirit will be nurtured and brought together in unison to help all life to thrive into the future. This is when we become fully alive and our work as the Helpers of Life can truly begin.

If you're completely new to Helpers Mentoring Society gatherings you are very welcome to come and participate. This is an opportunity to have a deep, immersive experience into the transformational practices that we offer and to feel the potential this way of life can have on your overall well-being.

At the heart of the Helper's Gathering is a unique, powerful and ancient body of knowledge full of understanding, wisdom, and experience. It is linked to the creative powers of the unseen, the natural world and the original purpose and destiny of humanity. These teachings are not just theoretical or philosophical - they have been tried and tested in the crucible of life and guided by real-life experience in modern times.

What you will come away with from the gathering:

  • New sense of  wellbeing and vitality in all parts of your being
  • Teachings and techniques to connect to your ancestral wisdom
  • New ways to build stronger connection between people, nature and spirit
  • New techniques to support personal transformation
  • A deep sense of hope for life thriving into the future

(We will be operating in accordance with any government guidelines around coronavirus restrictions with opportunities to join in connective practices if you choose. 

This will all be modified if we are required to do so as the regulations dictate so please be aware that we may need to inform you of changes. If for any reason the gathering has to be cancelled due to tighter governmental restrictions we will automatically reschedule the gathering date)

With all that is happening in the world right now we feel it is of paramount importance that people can come together to connect in very deep transformative ways. We endeavor to provide this opportunity for the communities we work with.


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