Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

Rites of Passage - The Activation of Human Beings

Historic Webinar Recording


Nature based cultures have techniques which support the physiological emergence of activated adults and elders. These techniques are what we now call Rites of Passage. Fully activated human beings are not born - they are made by the cultural experience.


Since ancient times, nature connected cultures around the world have engaged in powerful, transformational practices in order to ensure the development of fully activated human beings. When an infant is born into a community, it is the responsibility the cultural leaders to ensure that the child grows to understand themselves, nature, and the community in a healthy and happy way. Through Rites of Passage individuals are transformed through each life stage, releasing his or her old form and being reborn into a new, more connected version of themselves.


Through Rites of Passage individuals are transformed through each life stage, releasing his or her old form and being reborn into a new, more connected version of themselves.

But what happens if societies don't remember how to take a child on the path of becoming an activated adult? What occurs when an infant becomes a child and the child never has the opportunity to transform into an adult? Are we then still children inside adult bodies? This can have a dramatic effect upon the individual, the society, and nature.


In this 3-hour webinar we will dive into the topic of rites of passage and support this exploration with an open Q&A session:

  • Why honor life stages?
  • Human beings are made by culture
  • What happens when life stages aren't transformed
  • Birth to Death - Markers of activation
  • Rebirth to a fully activated life stage 
  • The Rites of Passage example and techniques
  • Questions and Answers 


After purchase you will be sent a email with a link to Dropbox where you can access the recording of the webinar 


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