Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

Walking in a Sacred Manner within the Modern Context

Historic Webinar Recording


What does it mean to walk in a deeply connected way within the times that we live in? The Idyllic notions of what this may look like are not necessarily the way it shows up in our lives.  

Living a deeply connected way of life within the modern world can present challenges and there are precious few role models of living a sacred life. We may need to let go of all that we believe we understand in order to find a sacred way of life - and our part within it. 

Walking in a 'Sacred Manner' is a process of continuous relationship and navigation and seems to be a difficult thing for the modern human to engage with. It requires active participation, commitment and conduct. This is not something our current cultures are good at role modelling.

Join us for this two hour teaching webinar where we will offer support to all those seeking to walk in a sacred manner within this modern world. 


  • Spheres of influence - What is informing you?
  • The commitment to giving life
  • Being an active, connected part of the creational process
  • Alignment to life - The support of the 'Helpers'
  • Being connected in a disconnected world
  • The static interference of modern living
  • Greater than human perspective - Shifting the world view
  • Working with power - A different code of conduct


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