Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

Sal UK Visit - November 2022


Registration is Open For Sal's UK Visit

November 10th - 13th 2022 (Bedfordshire UK)


Sal is offering a number of teaching days and ceremonies throughout his brief stay in the UK.

The list of events and offerings is on the right-hand side of this page, along with the dates and venues.


Please register for each event or ceremony. There are limited spaces in some cases, especially around ceremonies. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. When the capacity is reached, the registration offer will be removed.


To book a teaching day or ceremonial event, please select the event on the right side of this page, and register your participation, so we have a clear idea of numbers. You will need to register for each event separately, even if they are on the same day. 


After registration, you will be sent details of where to go, when to be there, and what you need to bring.

(Please note that within the understanding of this lineage, women on their 'moon time' (menses) are considered to be in their own internal ceremonial process and that this requires its own designated space to be in this ceremony. During these single ceremonial events, this is, unfortunately, not possible to accommodate)


I am grateful that Sal can visit us here in the UK, and I hope this is an opportunity for us all to come together in connection. 

If you have any questions, please reach out at: [email protected]


The days and evening events will all be self-catering/potluck events, so please read the emails that accompany each registration to be fully prepared. The end times for ceremony are approximate due to the nature of ceremony. 

Where needed, we will be operating a covid secure process to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the day or event. This may include asking people to take a Covid rapid flow test on the day.


Itinerary for Sal's Visit to the UK

  • Thursday Nov 10th - Teachings of the Sweat Lodge (10am - 4pm. Clophill Centre Bedfordshire) - Approx £115 - Day of teachings on the power and medicine of the Sweat Lodge within this lineage.

  • (Capacity Reached) Thursday Nov 10th - Evening Sweat Lodge Ceremony. Clophill Centre, Bedfordshire (Donation Based) 4:30pm - 8pm Approx - Pot luck meal afterwards - An opportunity to partake in a Lineage Sweat Lodge ceremony.

  • Friday Nov 11th - Teachings of the Song and Drum (10am - 4pm. Clophill Centre Bedfordshire) - Approx £115- A teaching day on the sacred songs and drum around the communication that can be accessed through this relationship.

  • (Capacity Reached) Nov 11th - Evening Medicine Giving Ceremony - Clophill Centre, Bedfordshire (Donation Based) 4:30pm - 8pm Approx - Pot luck meal afterwardsAn evening ceremony of medicine giving interacting with plant medicine through ceremony for health and happiness. The medicine will be blessed with the Sacred Pipe.

  • Saturday Nov 12th - Understanding Spiritual Communication in the Modern Age - (10am - 4pm. Clophill Centre Bedfordshire) - Approx £115 - Teachings and practices to support you to work with the principles of Spiritual communication within your own life in modern times.

  • (Capacity Reached)  Saturday Nov 12th - Evening Sacred Pipe (Canupa) Ceremony - Clophill Centre, Bedfordshire (Donation Based) 4:30pm - 8pm Approx - Pot luck meal afterwardsAn evening ceremony with the Sacred Pipe.

  • Sunday Nov 13th - Teachings on the Ceremonies of Gratitude. (10am - 4pm. Clophill Centre Bedfordshire) - Approx £115 - This day is all about the power of gratitude and the human being's responsibility to offer it. One of the original instructions for humans is to bring gratefulness to the Earth. Join us and learn how to offer gratitude in the most potent way through ceremony.

  • (Capacity Reached) Sunday Nov 13th - Formal Wopila Ceremony - (Clophill Centre, Bedfordshire (Donation Based) 4:30pm - 10pm Approx. - This ceremony is for all of you who are needing or wanting to offer a formal Wopila (Gratitude) ceremony. The evening will include a sweat lodge ceremony, feast and give away process. Details of what to bring will be sent out in an email after registration.


This will conclude Sal's Visit to the UK for 2022. Please book your spaces soon to avoid disappointment.


 No refunds will be issued if you need to make cancellations/changes, but we will refund the amount exchanged if we need to cancel or change an event due to circumstances beyond our control.


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