Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution

Activating Interspecies Communication

Historic Webinar Recording

We are delighted to be continuing our Interspecies and Spiritual Communication series of extended webinars. 

Both Jacqueline Buckingham and Sal Gencarelle are teaming up again to bring their collective understanding and wisdom to offer traditional ways to support us as human beings to live in a healthy connected way in these modern times. 

It's great to learn new things and understand more about the world we live in but what if that is not enough. Knowledge is one thing, but applying that knowledge to inform us of how to live in this world is something else. Perspectives on life from other species can be deeply informative about how as humans we can learn to be healthier and happier within this connected reality.

Within this 4 hour webinar we will offer both deep teachings, stories  and practices on:

  • Sensing communication from a human perspective
  • Accessing the states of connection for specific purposes
  • Creating helpful meaning from the experience
  • How to activate the information we receive to inform action in our lives
  • Archetypal perspectives and specific communication wisdom
  • Natural species as a guide to understanding creation

We are surrounded by nature and it is always communicating with us but how do we not only understand this information but then actively work with it to inform our lives and take action?

In this webinar we are going to explore the collective wisdom that is held here upon the earth in its many forms and perspectives. Indigenous communities around the world have always understood that the beings that live with us here have a depth of understanding about how life works and what it is to be in health. The deeply heart touching understanding is that our natural relatives, despite what we have inflicted upon them in recent times, still love the human family enough to share their wisdom and guidance to help us.

Join Jacqueline and Sal for this extended teaching webinar where we can offer practical ways and stories of how we can gain wisdom and understanding that can actively inform us about how to live in the here and now.

After purchase you will be sent a email with a link to Dropbox where you can access the recording of the webinar


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