Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution
Over and over, we have been shown that to live in the future we must change. The environment and human condition tell us that it suffers at our disconnected hands. We can perceive the disconnection in the ongoing inability of human beings to find peace together or live in accordance with natural law. But how do we change? What are the steps that must be taken to ensure life thrives into the future? Personal spiritual knowing is how! We start the change by knowing ourselves fully as part of this creation – and then finding our place with the Creative Powers. To know oneself requires a profound knowing of your own spiritual connection. It’s time to develop yourself to the point where spiritual communication is clear and guidance is easily perceived without the static of disconnection. The time is now to obtain this level of personal, authentic, and sovereign spiritual authority. There may not be an opportunity to do this in the future!
Know oneself:
The patterns of development
The knowing is in the doing – knowing = being
Tending Purification – Must continually ‘update’ or re-synchronize with the natural creative process (nature) – renewing one’s alignment to life in body, heart, mind, spirit.
Ways of Purification:
Best way to access all purification at once – sweat lodge.
Tending Relationship – one’s identity is constructed from all the interconnectedness within and externally. Tending relationships is tending oneself. How well your tending relationships will directly affect one’s well-being. Ensuring that you're aware of how you are in relation to all aspects of life.
In all categories reflect on how I am in relationship to the various aspects of life? Is it healthy, happy, connective, or otherwise? Are you Committed to the Vision of Life?
Tending Meaning – What do you focus on? Where do you give your attention? Is the meaning you make of the experiences and the situations of the world resourceful or unresourceful?
Book reference - Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Tending Death – death is the doorway to true spiritual knowledge and connection. If we know death and we know what beyond death. The spirit existence is greater than the physical existence. Our fear of death is often the last aspect of control that can be used against us. To be actual, authentically spiritually sovereign in this life, the fear of death must be overcome.
Knowing and aligning to your deepest “WHY”. The deepest why of your story is part of a greater story of life. You are here for a reason that when you embody – you will have access to Vision. The Vision of your life is connected into the greater Vision of Life. Your being is part of the Powers of Creation – so you become a representative of the Powers to humanity and the Earth.
Manifestation/Being a Helper:
Doing work in the world to Help. Servicing the Vision of Life – for all your relations.
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