Offering Visionary Leadership Training - Healing, Optimism, Purpose, Evolution
Once the set duration of the quest has been accomplished, the quester is often retrieved by the person facilitating the quest. The quester is brought back to the village and ceremonially released from the quest. This typically involves a gentle purification ceremony and specific songs. During this final step in the Vision Quest, the quester shares about their experience during the quest with the facilitator of the ceremony. This is opportunity for the facilitator to support the lessons of the quest and the re-integration of the quester.
After the completion of this final stage of the Vision Quest, the quester is welcomed back by the community. Often this first occurs by the community feeding the quester. During this stage the quester may or may not their story with those that are present. This is completely up to the quester to decide.
Later, after rest and recuperation, the quester may have personal conversations and share the events that occurred during the quest with those who have been elders, anchors, and peers in the preparation.
The quester is also required to give away many of the ceremonial items they used to complete the Vision Quest. The ceremonial items are gifts that share the "medicine" of the quest with the community, and is a way of giving thanks to those who supported the quest preparations. Some items can also be given to those in the community members who are less fortunate.
Over the next weeks and months, the quester will continue to tell the story of the quest to their elders and mentors. Through sharing the story of the Vision Quest, the quester integrates the experience; facilitated by the community members. The wisdom that was received during the quest becomes part of the village through this process. In this way, the “I” of the individual who goes on the Quest become the “we” of how the quest becomes a guidance to all. The quester becomes the visionary guidance and the Vision becomes part of the entire community.
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